Friday, March 1, 2013

Kevin Lewis On The Interview Spot With Jana

Even though this week was hectic for me, I got to know a very humble and interesting author. So if you sitting down on your laptop, you can also get to know the man behind the story of QuickSand.

1.) Tell us a little about yourself.

- I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA.  Most of us say we are from Philly.  I attended Simon Gratz High School.  After High School I joined the U.S. Army where I spent 3 years in Europe.

2.) How long have you been writing?

 - I have been writing for 5 years.  I tried my hand at writing songs, poems but penning stories and scripts has been my main focus lately.

3.)  What was your life like before becoming an author?
 - I am a father of three with one on the way, so I have been pretty busy.  I have found that writing has giving me an outlet to voice my opinions, my view point on various subject matters.
4.) Who or what inspired you to write?
 - There are Authors that I have followed and I think I was more attracted to the freedom of expression, and the ability to bring to life something the did not exist a day before.  One Author in particular has given me the courage to “just write the book”, and she knows who she is.
5.)Do you have a specific writing style? 
-No, I don’t want to put myself in a box.  I want to be able to pen any genre.
6.) Tell me about your latest book?

 -  The title of the book is  Quick$and .   It is about a young man making is last drug run, but the Kingpin he works for will not let him go….alive.  He also falls for a beautiful, kept woman.  He needs to devise a plan to get rid of the Kingpin and get the girl.  The more he tries to get out of the life the more he feels like he is trapped in….”Quick$and” the book is available on Amazon also @
7.) What was the hardest part to write?

- The first chapter.  Once I got past the first chapter it started to flow fairly easy.  Being able to interject your own experiences into your work is great.  The fun part is people that know me, trying to figure what parts are actually true, I enjoy doing it.

8.) What do you find most rewarding in writing a book?

 - Just having total control of what you, as a writer, decide to bring to life or to light.

9.) What advice do you have for upcoming authors?
-The advice I would give is the same I was given.  If you really love writing and you have am idea for a book.  “Just write the book”, get it down in physical form. Stop hesitating and do it.  Don’t worry about whether people will like it or not, write it.  Then self- publish it.
 10.) How can readers keep up with you?
-Yes I am on facebook and twitter @kev_lewis.  I encourage one and all to friend me on FB and follow me on twitter

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